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In Pursuit of Mirth

I don’t know what your destiny will be, but one thing I do know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.
Albert Schweitzer

In introducing her Exchange article, "In Pursuit of Mirth," Sharon Linde notes...

"Some of my favorite memories of elementary school are of the class funny-guy, Marty. He was an equal-opportunity goofball and consistently infused our day with unexpected breaks of laughter, which would have us all hooting. As an educator, I realize why those little moments were so welcome to us; current research shows humor to be an effective way of engaging students in active learning. Laughing and smiling with students increases their level of comfort and willingness to open up in the classroom. Brain scans show high levels of activity in multiple areas of the brain and lower levels of tension when humor is applied in conversation and instruction. Adults know humor maximizes learning and strengthens memory function....

"There are super-smart, savvy directors and administrators out there who recognize the importance and effect of laughter, lightheartedness, and mirth in the workplace, especially in an educational setting, and capitalize on its effect brilliantly. Knowing the profound impact humor has on humans, these leaders have established environments that foster a positive climate and, as a result, boost employee efficacy, increasing productivity and decreasing turnover. They recognize the importance of not only fostering humorous experiences consistently, but lead their centers in the active pursuit of mirth."

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