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Remembering Your Childhood

The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.
Alan Watts, British philosopher

In the hugely popular Natural Playscapes: Creating Outdoor Play Environments for the Soul [now in its 4th print run], Rusty Keeler challenges people...

"Before we start designing children's environments, it's helpful to first remember the places and spaces of our own childhoods.  By going back in time and standing in our own little shoes, we are able to see the world as a child again.  We remember how things looked, how they felt, how they smelled and even tasted.  The world we inhabited was filled with sensory experiences and it was in that world — be it a city street, a country farm, or a suburban backyard — where we made our games, our stories, and ourselves."

ProCare Software

Adventures in Preschool Second Language Acquisition.

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