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How to Avoid Work

We can help our kids realize that butterflies are better than batteries.
Mark Hovater

Brainpickings website pulled some nuggets of advice from a book published 66 years ago - How to Avoid Work. Here is some of the advice from the author William Reilly that still makes sense:

"Life really begins when you have discovered that you can do anything you want....

"Most [people] have the ridiculous notion that anything they do which produces an income is work — and that anything they do outside "working" hours is play. There is no logic to that....Your life is too short and too valuable to fritter away in work....

"Actually, there is only one way in this world to achieve true happiness, and that is to express yourself with all your skill and enthusiasm in a career that appeals to you more than any other. In such a career, you feel a sense of purpose, a sense of achievement. You feel you are making a contribution. It is not work....

"To my mind, the world would be a much pleasanter and more civilized place to live in, if everyone resolved to pursue whatever is closest to his heart's desire. We would be more creative and our productivity would be vastly increased....

"The greatest satisfaction you can obtain from life is your pleasure in producing, in your own individual way, something of value to your fellowmen. That is creative living!"

Contributed by Kirsten Haugen

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