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Garbage Can Evaluation

We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter their color.
Maya Angelou

In What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program, Holly Elissa Bruno talks about what can happen if a director asks employees to evaluate her performance:

"The first time a supervisor asks staff to evaluate him or the program, he is likely to experience the phenomenon known as the 'garbage can dynamic.'  Staff often 'dump their garbage' all over a program evaluation form the first time they are asked to complete it.  Any stored up issues, unspoken hurts, snippets of anger or resentment get dumped.

"Supervisors need to step to the side emotionally, remind themselves not to take the results personally, and examine information objectively.  By the second or third evaluation, employees will have dumped their stored-up issues and are likely to express more timely and constructive views."

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