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Microaggressions in Relationships

A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.
Eleanor Roosevelt

"Teachers, in their interactions with families, can unintentionally use words and behaviors that deliver negative and denigrating messages," observes Maryam Daha in her article, "Recognizing and Addressing Microaggressions in Teacher-Family Relationships."

"These microaggressions can be subtle, at times unconscious and without intended harm, but may cause a rift in family-teacher relationships. Communicating with a learning disposition leads to a willingness to learn about the worldview of the family, and focuses on practical strategies that strengthen cross-cultural communication....

"Even though microaggressions might seem harmless and the person who enacts them might be unaware, they have a way of devaluing people and their hidden messages are degrading. One example is when a director praises a Vietnamese American mother, born in the United States: "You speak perfect English." Her intention was to compliment the mother, but the underlying message was that she was seen as a foreigner, not as an American."

Gryphon House - New Autism Resources for Teachers.

Kaplan –Reimagine Educational Technology with the new Inspire Ultra.

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