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Flexible Room Design

I firmly believe reluctant readers need to be allowed to see that books can be fun and silly. Once they see books can be fun, they’ll stick around to discover all the other wonderful things books can be.
Toby Price, Former Assistant Principal

The Exchange Continuing Education Unit, "Physical Environment and Room Arrangement," contains an article, "3 Keys to Flexible Room Arrangement,"  that was composed by Elizabeth Prescott 19 years ago, but is just as relevant today.  In the article Prescott observes...

"How can you tell if a room is working as you would wish? One easy and effective way is to ask yourself at the end of each day what went well and what did not satisfy you. If you repeatedly have the same complaints, the space is probably not supporting your intentions. It may be that, as the year has progressed, the setting has been getting more complex with added props and expanded play. As a result, the pathways may have shifted or almost disappeared. The storage areas may now make it hard for children to find what they want and to clean up because no one is sure where things belong."

Softerware - Email me the Columbus Montessori Story!

Children Learning With Nature Training Institute - JULY 2016

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