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Grandparents Who Care

Ever-changing, instantly responding to variations in the weather, expressing seasonal cycles, presenting fluctuating palettes of texture, color, form, fragrance, and sound, plants are unmatched in their ability to stimulate the senses and create a positive aesthetic effect.
Robin Moore, in Plants for Play

CBS News recently reported that grandparents who care for grandchildren one day a week reduce their chances of developing Alzheimer's:

"Most grandparents will already know that the addition of grandchildren to the family adds a source of much joy and love. It has, however, now been scientifically shown that grandparents who babysit their grandkids have a reduced chance of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The study, which was published by the journal of the North American Menopause Society, followed 120 grandparents in Australia and found that those who babysat one day each week scored higher on a range of cognitive tests.

"They did, however, find that too much babysitting led to poor results. Those who babysat for five days per week or more struggled with the tests; so before you call mom and dad to ask them to babysit more, remember: it is everything in moderation.

"A wider body of research shows that real interaction of any type with other human beings leads to a happier state of mind. Many grandparents who babysit once or a few times each week report increased levels of life satisfaction, which is linked to the increased feeling of purpose and, more importantly, the receiving of love."

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