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Your Leadership Voice

It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime...
Khaled Hosseini, Afghan-American Author

"Essential to effective leadership is effective speaking," observes Paula Jorde Bloom in Leadership in Action: How Effective Directors Can Get Things Done

"The ability to communicate persuasively lies at the core of leadership, whether your goal is to convince one person in a private meeting or sway an entire organization.  Have you taken time to really listen to your voice recently?  If not, audiotape yourself at a meeting and play it back.  Is your voice dull or vibrant?  Do you exude confidence, or does your speech pattern include hesitations such as 'ah,' 'you know,' 'um,' and 'uh'?  Does the pitch of your voice rise at the end of sentences, creating a string of declarative statements that sound more like questions?....

"It is possible to train your voice to be clear, strong, and decisive.  When she was First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt took elocution lessons to improve her presence.  She ultimately wound up as representative to the United Nations, where her voice was heard around the world."

Free resources to help Head Start staff meet goals.


T.Bagby - Spend lesss time gathering information and more time teaching.

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