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Perspective Taking as Life Skill

... To be a Flower, is profound Responsibility
Emily Dickenson, American Poet (1830-1886)

Imagine you've come home after a bad day, totally exhausted, and the first person you talk to says, "You think you had a bad day? That’s nothing compared to mine!" Do you feel better or worse? Do you want to talk or walk away?

"Whether we're parents, teachers, or business leaders, we usually prefer to talk with someone who is attuned to our point of view and avoid someone who is critical or competitive," says Ellen Galinsky in her book Mind in the MakingShe writes about perspective taking as one of the life skills children need, yet notes how hard a practice it is for all of us to develop.

"It is far easier to want others to take our perspectives than it is to understand the perspectives of others. Sometimes we think we know how others see things, but when we actually ask, we may be surprised."

Brookes - Social-emotional curriculum.

Killing the bad germs doesn’t have to wait until the kids are gone. Now you can spray stop germs during the day, before they spread, with a product so gentle you can use it around babies with no rinse required. At WB Mason, Essendant, Amazon.

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