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Get Dirty, Stay Healthy

There is immense power when a group of people with similar interests gets together to work toward the same goals.
Idowu Koyenikan, Author

"Early exposure to their environment full of germs, bacteria and viruses is not a bad thing," according to Angela Mattke, M.D., a pediatrician at Mayo Clinic Children's Center in Rochester. She also notes, "Early exposure to the dirtier stuff in life — things like "bacteria and other microbes" — can actually be "crucial to our health. That's because beneficial microbiota helps build immunity in babies and children, and has a role in preventing allergies, asthma, obesity and other noninfectious conditions."

When asked about hand washing and bathing. Dr. Mattke gives this advice, "A child probably doesn't need to wash his or her hands after playing in the dirt or grass. But if the child was sharing toys with a playmate who had a runny nose or fever, then it's time to wash up. And to the relief of children everywhere, a daily bath isn't a necessity."

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