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Docia Shares a Story — You Never Know...

by Docia Zavitkovsky
January/February 2008
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/docia-shares-a-story--you-never-know.../5017940/

It was early evening when the phone rang. I answered and a child in tears sobbed, “I want to go home.” It seemed that this little girl, in the hospital, had dialed the wrong area code and reached me instead of her mother. I talked with her a few minutes, told her to talk with the nurse, and reassured her that the nurse would help her. She gave me her home number and I called her mother who told me that Tammie had fallen on the school playground and was taken to the hospital to have some tests done.

The next night Tammie called again. I told her that I understood why she was afraid because when I was a little girl her age I had been in an accident and broken my leg, which put me in the hospital for a long time. I told her I would write to her, which I did. I never saw her, but each year on her birthday, I sent her a card.

Then one day Tammie’s mother phoned and asked if I would come to Tammie’s 16th birthday party. I said, “Of course.” When I arrived at her house, the party was in full swing. ...

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