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How Sweet It Is

The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.
Harvey Firestone

A spoonful of sugar helps the thinking get done. At least that is the conclusion of researchers at Florida State University. In a study reported in The Economist (March 29, 2008;, student volunteers were put through some brain taxing work and then half of them were given a glass of lemonade with sugar and half without sugar. When confronted with a decision-making scenario twelve minutes after consuming the lemonade, the students who had consumed the sugary drink were much more likely to use reasoning in coming to a decision. Those who had not consumed sugar tended to rely on intuition alone in making their decision. So if your job requires considerable decision making, you had best forsake those sugar-free drinks, at least during high brain activity times.

Resources for Decision Makers

Exchange has some sweet resources for leaders in early childhood organizations. You can purchase our best selling guidebook, The Art of Leadership: Managing Early Childhood Organizations, at a 20% discount this week. Or, for an even greater discount, you can purchase our popular "Managers Tool Kit" with a discount price on the following collection of resources:

Beautiful Classroom Furniture!
Children, and those who care for them, deserve to spend their days in an environment that is Warm-Natural-Inviting and Safe. Purchase what you really want �" beautiful furniture - products that last! Because Children Deserve the Feel of Home.

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