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Women as Communicators

The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can.
Robert Cushing

Mary-Ellen Drummond, author of A Woman's Way to Incredible Success in Business (NY: Adams Media Group, 2001), describes seven communication faux pas women often commit in communications:

  1. We don't take up enough space. We should adapt the Wonderwoman stance — with our hands in the steeple gesture.
  2. We nod when we listen. Men nod only when they agree, so it looks like we are agreeing all the time.
  3. We tilt our heads when we talk. This shows we are good listeners, but not in a power position (which is signaled by holding one's head straight and keeping shoulders back).
  4. We introduce ourselves too soon. Men don't hear anything we say for the first seven seconds because they are busy checking us out — thus our name gets lost.
  5. We raise our voices at the end of the sentence. Our affirmative statements end up sounding like questions.
  6. We fidget too much—  twice as much as men upon entering a room of people.
  7. We let men finish our sentences. Completing our own sentences would boost our self-esteem.

Exchange Resources on Play

Exchange has packaged six of its play resources into a single "Play Tool Kit" and is offering the entire set at a 37% discount. Resources in the kit include:

Four Out of the Box Training Kits (Print versions):

Toddler Portable Sink: Classroom Solution for HOT & COLD running water. Convenient way to clean children's hands anytime, anywhere. Mention Code: PS0308 for FREE SHIPPING

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