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Reflective Supervision in Infant Care

Sometimes we need a bridge and sometimes we are the bridge. No one I know has escaped troubled waters, rough seas and challenging, scary days. There are times in our lives when we could use a little help, and other times when we are given the chance to be that help for someone else. It really doesn’t matter where you are right now. What matters is that you remember we are stronger together, and taking a hand is just as important as offering one.
Paul Boynton, Author of Begin with Yes

The new edition of the Zero to Three publication, Caring for Infants and Toddlers in Groups, contains this description of reflective supervision:

"Some infant-toddler child care programs use a process called reflective supervision to help core teachers manage their own feelings and be more responsive to infants and families. Reflective supervision is the practice of meeting regularly with staff members to discuss their experiences, thoughts, and feelings related to work. This supervision is characterized by three key components: a) reflection (or thinking out loud), b) collaboration, and c) regular meetings. Using this approach, the role of the supervisor is to help the supervisee answer his or her own questions by...

Reflective supervision can also help staff develop coping mechanisms to manage the often complex and intense feelings that arise when working with very young children. Providing staff an outlet to acknowledge challenges, concerns and ambivalence they encounter on the job is a crucial first step in preventing frustration and burnout. Furthermore, supportive interactions help staff develop the skills they need to respond effectively to the challenges of their work.

An Excellent Resource for Infant-Toddler Caregivers

Being with Babies: Understanding and Responding to the Infants in Your Care is a great resource for both beginning and experienced caregivers. Each chapter describes an issue that caregivers face daily, offers scenarios that illustrate the challenge, suggests solutions caregivers can use to address the issue, and concludes with a review of key points. Being with Babies teaches caregivers how to handle everyday challenges while learning about developmental stages. This hands-on resource is perfect for caregivers of children 6 weeks to 18 months old, as well as for staff development and resource libraries.

Put a sink where it’s needed most
In the classroom, or on the playground, it’s portable, self contained, and very affordable. Plumbing is NOT required. Have hot & cold running water when you need it where you need it. Ideal for hand washing with young children.

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