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Women as Communicators II

Joy is hidden in sorrow and sorrow in joy. If we try to avoid sorrow at all costs, we may never taste joy.
Henri Nouwen

Last Tuesday's ExchangeEveryDay message "Women as Communicators," received some strong feedback observing that Mary-Ellen Drummond's advice was offensive to both women and men. One of the thoughtful responses came from Linda Leone from Camosun College in Victoria, BC, Canada. Here is what she said...

Do these things and you will foster interpersonal communication skills, emotional intelligence, problem solving, and peaceful negotiations:

  1. Take up less space so there is room for more people, ideas, and creativity.
  2. Nod when you listen; people will appreciate your undivided attention.
  3. Tilt your head when you talk; this lets people know you are willing to cooperate and collaborate.
  4. Introduce yourself right away and tell people a little bit about yourself — introductions are important and we should know each other's name before we start discussing important matters.
  5. Raise your voice at the end of a sentence, many people will think you are asking a question and feel comfortable in adding their perspective and insight.
  6. Fidget a little — it puts people at ease and may help you feel relaxed, too.
  7. Speak up and share your thoughts; if someone interrupts and completes your sentence take this as a compliment — they are evidently listening and on track with the topic at hand.

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