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Brazilian Leader Pleads Case for Poor

""The surest route to breeding jealousy is to compare. Since jealousy comes from feeling 'less than' another, comparisons only fan the fires."
–Dorothy Corkville Briggs


To applause and cheers, Brazil's new President appeared yesterday before the elite economic conference he once scorned, the World Economic Forum being held in Davos, Switzerland, and called for a massive drive to defeat poverty and hunger across the globe. Speaking to this annual gathering of corporate and political leaders (as reported by The New York Times), Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva declared, "I would like to invite all of you that are here to look at the world with other eyes....We need a new world economic order that distributes wealth more fairly, so that impoverished countries have a chance of becoming less impoverished, so that African babies have the same right to eat as a blond, blue-eyed baby born in Scandanavia ....Countries are spending billions and billions of dollars in an arms race and spending money on things that are not priorities. We look at the Third World countries, and millions and millions of women and children die because they don't manage to eat the calories they need." 

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