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Open Space Experiment at World Forum

"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
–Bill Cosby


At the 2003 World Forum on Early Care and Education, Peter Hesse from Germany will lead a group of the delegates through an "Open Space" activity focusing on advocating for children. Here is Peter's description of what to expect:

"Open Space is a highly participative group-work procedure, inviting everybody to cooperate who assembles under a given discussion-subject. The essential rules:

"A subject is given and accepted as the general topic. A time-frame is given and fixed. Everybody present is considered exactly right. The moderator shortly presents the general topic and asks who would want to discuss which sub-topic under the general topic. Sub-topics are being loudly suggested. The moderator asks loudly who wants to join this/those sub-topics and forms groups of about 6 -11 participants about the originator of a sub-topic. Larger groups are being split up under the same sub-topic. When no more sub-topics are being asked for, the remaining participants go in a group they like best themselves. If the time frame is large enough and initial total participants agree, the group-results are presented by each sub-group to the total group at the end and can be shortly discussed in a conventional way by the total group."

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