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Surviving the First Day

The optimist sees the rose and not its thorns; the pessimist stares at the thorns, oblivious to the rose.
Kahlil Gibran

For 14 years, Save the Children has released a "State of the World's Mothers Report" on Mother's Day.  This year's report introduced a Birth Day Risk Index, which reported on the number of babies who die on their first day of life.  The report revealed that two-thirds of all newborn deaths (2 million out of 3 million each year) occur in these ten countries:

India = 876,200
Nigeria = 254,100
Pakistan = 169,400
China = 143,400
DR Congo = 137,100
Ethiopia = 81,700
Bangladesh = 79,700
Indonesia = 66,300
Afghanistan = 51,000
Tanzania = 48,100

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