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Sleep Time in the Infant Room

Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Karen Miller's free article, "Caring for the Little Ones - Sleep Issues in Infant and Toddler Programs," she talks about sleep time in the infant room...

"More often than not, I fear, people really look at the clock and say, 'It's about time I put Jennifer down,' rather than really reading the baby's cues. One person reported that she and her staff had gotten so good at reading children's cues and only putting them to bed when they were truly tired that the babies learned to trust them and realize they would only be in their cribs when they wanted to sleep. Babies in this room would crawl over to the nap area and indicate they wanted to go to bed when they were tired."

Schoolscapes - Angeles Trikes

iRead - The New Digital Foundational Reading Program from Scholastic

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