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Developing Emotional Intelligence

Authenticity is the daily practice of letting go who we think we’re supposed to be and embracing who we are.
Brené Brown

A Harvard Business Review article (January 2004), "Leading by Feel," included the insights of 16 organizational experts on how to develop emotional intelligence.  The premise of the article was that emotional intelligence is as, if not more, critical than cognitive intelligence in being a successful leader of people.  One of the experts, Richard Boyatzis from Case Western Reserve University observed...

"People can develop their emotional intelligence if they really want to.  But many managers jump to the conclusion that their complement of emotional intelligence is predetermined....  The central issue isn't lack of ability to change; it's the lack of motivation to change.

"Leadership development is not all that different from other areas in which people are trying to change their behaviors. Just look at the treatments for alcoholism, drug addiction, and weight loss.  They all require the desire to change....  You have to want to change....  If you think you'll lose your job because you're not adequately tuned in to your employees, you might become more determinedly empathetic or compassionate for a time.  But change driven by fear or avoidance probably isn't going to last.  Change driven by hopes and aspirations, that's pursued because it's desired, will be more enduring."

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