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How to Lead a Group

The more joy we have, the more nearly perfect we are.
Benedict De Spinoza

Simon Sinek, the author of Leaders Eat Last, offered a number of suggestions for leading a group in Real Simple magazine (May 2014; including these...

What is the most common mistake that leaders make?  Thinking that they should have all the answers.  No one knows everything, and good leaders are comfortable with that.  They're grateful to be surrounded by people who can help them hash things out.  When something they organized... doesn't go perfectly, they aren't afraid to discuss with the group how to adapt it for the future.

How do you gain the trust of team members?  Give them lots of independence, but check in on each person periodically.  In other words, let people succeed and let them fail while providing training and guidance.  When a new project needs to be launched, put someone in charge of it.  If the project succeeds, let that person know what a great job he did.  If the project fails, instead of getting mad, say, "OK, let's figure out how to rectify it."

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