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DAP for Adults

Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them.
L.M. Montgomery

Gigi Schweikert, who presents in the Exchange VOICES DVD: Supporting Teacher Performance, offered this advice in her Exchange article, "Helping Adults Succeed: Overcoming Barriers to Better Performance":

"As supervisors, we need to remember that some of the people whom we supervise may not perform or aspire to perform as we do, and that's okay. Our expectations as supervisors should be that each employee does her job at an acceptable level of competence, according to what we have asked. Are you expecting your staff to be exactly like you? If you are, then your expectations are unrealistic.

"So part of helping adults to succeed is setting clear and appropriate expectations. Think about this. You know what DAP is, right? Developmentally Appropriate Practice. Do you use DAP for adults or do you just expect people to be just like you, on your skill level, with the same experience? Can you see the strengths and successes of everyone you supervise and help them perform even better? Do you accept your employees where they are and guide them to learn and grow? You should."

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