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How to Improve Your Luck

"Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be.  Become one yourself!" - Marcus Aurelius


It seems like some people have all the luck.  Now Richard Wiseman, writing in the October 15, 2003 issue of BottomLine Personal, tells us that there are specific steps you can take to maximize the role that chance plays in your life . . .

Spend more time with friends, and chat with strangers.   Keep in touch with those you meet.  You never know when a chance encounter will lead to a great idea or a valuable contact.

Develop a more relaxed attitude toward life.  When you are in a rush or under stress, it blinds you to opportunities.
Be open to new experiences.  Experiment with different routes to work.  Go to different restaurants.  We observe better in unfamiliar situations and are more likely to see hidden advantages.

Follow your hunches.  The concious mind isn't good at detecting meaningful patterns in behavior, speech and body language.  The unconcious compares the present against past experiences and finds similarities—generating strong feelings that a decision is wise or unwise;  that someone is or isn't trustworthy.

Expect good fortune.  Lucky people assume that things will turn out well for them, in situations that are both within and outside their control.  Good fortune is a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you expect to do well, you're more likely to start new projects.  Low expectations make you ready to give up before you begin.  A positive attitude gives you drive in the face of setbacks.. . . In addition, it has a strong influence on others.  Nothing is more persuasive than confidence.

Don't leave finding the right employees—or the right job—to chance.  Take advantage of Exchange's "Employment Opportunities" project here!

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