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Power of Good Intentions

Play is … the ‘meaningless’ moment that makes the day memorable and worthwhile.
Stuart Brown and Christopher Vaughan, Play

"Everyone seems to know that grandma's cookies taste better because they're made with love and that phone calls to the cable company are less frustrating when there's a human being on the other end of the phone. But are these things really true? A University of Maryland psychologist devised a study that put them to the test." So writes Neil Wagner in his article, "The Power of Good Intentions."

Wagner goes on to describe the conclusions of the study:

"The result: Food tastes better, pain hurts less, and pleasure is more pleasant when they come with good intentions behind them. And it doesn't even matter if the intentions actually exist -- it's the perception that they're there that's important.

"Seeing the world and the people in it as benevolent adds to life; seeing them with a jaundiced eye can turn life into a bitter pill." 

Source: "The Power of Good Intentions" (The Atlantic, March 17, 2012)

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