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A Chinese Perspective On Infant Education

"Give me a fruitful error any time, full of seeds, bursting with its own corrections. You can keep your sterile truths for yourself." - Vilfredo Pareto


Below are excerpts from the article "Infant education: the earlier, the better?" appearing in China Daily on November 25, 2003.

"When is a baby ready for formal education? Chinese parents have begun to ask themselves this question as numerous infant education organizations offer varied training programs to their newborn babies.

"'Try it lest your baby fall behind others from the very beginning' is always the 'open sesame' to the parents' wallets, as a large number of better-off Chinese parents are ready to do virtually anything possible to ensure a good future for their offspring.

"As a result, babies are encouraged to stand up, toddle and crawl with their parents' help shortly after they are born, and special exercises have been tailored to boost their muscle development at an early stage. Many toddlers, on the other hand, are taught to read and write, sometimes in several languages.

"'A proper early childhood education can facilitate a child's intellectual development and help him form good habits,' said Wang Yuwei, a noted pediatrician in Jinan, capital of the eastern Shandong province. 'But excessive expectations may hamper his development.'

Researchers in the northern port city of Tianjin have found that improper infant education can even lead to psychological problems.  According to a recent survey conducted by the Tianjin Children's Hospital, 41 percent of its young patients who had problems concentrating on their work had been daunted by the high expectations from their parents during infancy. . .

"Early childhood education, Prof. Sun acknowledged, was more than reading, writing, reciting poems or playing a musical instrument and should be given in line with a child's age, innate talent and interest. 'It's not right to make an infant do what older children are supposed to do,' he said . . . 'Parents should help their children develop a pleasant personality, desire for knowledge, independence, confidence and perseverance — things that are expected to benefit a child throughout his life and are therefore more important than literacy itself," said the psychologist.

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