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5 Foods that Make You Sleepy at Work

Childhood is the small town everyone came from.
Garrison Keillor

Want to keep energized throughout your whole work day? Then, according to Estefania Ochoa, in an article on, here are five foods you should avoid:

1. Sad Salads
Even though salads seem like the healthier option, some salads include a measly helping of iceberg lettuce, some shaved carrots and Ranch dressing. Loading a bowl with vegetables and skipping protein and carbs will not provide enough calories to power the body through the rest of the day…

2. Milk, Cheese, and Yogurt
Dairy is one of the main culprits of fatigue.  The proteins casein and whey in dairy become harder to process the older one gets. Having intolerances to these proteins results in tiredness as one of the main symptoms. This is because the human body’s immune system builds an army of antibodies to fight these proteins, which results in fatigue…

3. Bananas and Nuts
Bananas are often prescribed as a natural fix for muscle pain because they are high in magnesium, a mineral that helps relax the muscles. Magnesium is also used to increase sleep. Nuts, particularly almonds, cashews, and peanuts are rich in magnesium, therefore resulting in drowsiness…The body is more likely to feel stronger effects if it is running low on magnesium, to begin with. If one is not deficient in magnesium, the body should tolerate eating bananas or nuts without experiencing these side effects…

4. Late Dinners
Late dinners are sometimes inevitable after a busy day. But just as the right foods can cause drowsiness, the wrong ones can result in a poor night’s sleep. This is mainly because acidic foods that are typically consumed at dinners such as meat and dairy lead to nighttime acid reflux…

5. Sugary or Fatty Indulgences
If one is used to consuming a low-fat, low-sugar diet, the body produces less of the gastric juices and enzymes that assist in digesting sugar and fat quickly. This does not only result in digestive issues, but it also lowers energy after consumption.”

Source: "5 Foods that Are Making You Sleepy," by Estefania Ochoa,

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