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Developing Ourselves as Leaders

Becoming a leader is the most crucial choice one can make – it is the decision to step out of the darkness into the light.
Deepak Chopra

“Everyone who has a soul, which by my definition includes us all, has the potential to be an inspired leader…The inspired leader’s…hallmarks are creativity, intelligence, organizing power and love.” So writes Deepak Chopra, in his book, The Soul of Leadership: Unlocking Your Potential for Greatness.

And in the book, Developing People, a section titled “All the Teachers Are Friends Here: The Case for Strong Relationships Among Adults Who Work with Young Children” provides strategies for including all staff in decision-making leadership:

“Carefully solicit people’s input before decisions are made. Especially among staff who have been together for a long time, leaders need to be intentional about continuing to involve everyone in decision making as much as possible. It can be too easy to fall into the trap of presuming to know how people think, without actually stopping to check. Even if regular staff meetings are not always possible, written surveys to solicit ideas and reactions to proposals can be quite helpful. Leaders need to make it clear that once all input has been carefully considered, staff members need to abide by and support the final decision. People are usually willing to do so if they know their thoughts have been heard.”

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