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How’s Your Attitude?

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Desmond Tutu, 1931-2021

The title of a recent article that appeared in the Seattle Times exclaims that “A Nation on Hold Wants to Speak With a Manager.” The article’s premise is that “in our anger-filled age, when people need to shop or travel or cope with mild disappointment, they’re ‘devolving into children’” because of pandemic stress, (although sometimes children seem to be coping better than some adults).

In an Exchange Essentials article collection, “Motivate Your Staff,” Gigi Schweikert offers a helpful checklist for assessing the health of our own attitudes.

She writes that “A person with a good attitude:

It’s important to also acknowledge that if it doesn’t seem possible to have a “good attitude,” then seeking professional help could be useful in dealing with debilitating stress.

P.S. Many people have been having difficulty finding at-home Covid tests. It is now possible to register to get FREE tests at Every home in the U.S. is eligible to order one set of 4 free at-?home COVID-?19 tests. Orders will usually ship in 7-12 days.

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