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Ways to Foster a More Positive Organizational Culture

A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Leaders know it’s more important than ever to foster positive emotional support for their teams, but may be feeling in need of that kind of encouragement themselves. A new Exchange Essentials article collection, “Fostering Positive Organizational Culture,” provides tools leaders can use to infuse their organizations with optimism, affirmation and enthusiasm. A few examples:

Constant Hine and Robin Levy, in an article on transformational leadership in turbulent times write: “As change agents, transformational leaders guide people and organizations, partner with followers, empower teams, identify needed changes, and share a truly inspiring vision. As a strategy, they model these qualities to develop them in others.”

In another article in the collection, Kirsten Haugen and Pam Boulton explain that great leadership starts within:

“Self-awareness is essential for self-management—making the effort to stop, notice and think before we speak or act so we can disrupt or redirect unhelpful impulses or moods, handling thoughts, feelings, actions and reactions in ways mindful of our higher goals. …Through self-awareness we expand our social/emotional vocabulary and through self-management we open space to notice the cues and conditions that impact how others might be thinking, feeling, acting or reacting.”

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