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Being Real

I’m learning that recognizing and leaning into the discomfort of vulnerability teaches us how to live with joy, gratitude, and grace.
Brene Brown

Today Kirsten Haugen and I (Nancy Rosenow) are going to risk a bit of vulnerability by talking about our process in creating ExchangeEveryDay posts. For the past five years this has mostly been done by me, but as I move toward full retirement, Kirsten has been taking over more and more.

What Kirsten and I continue to strive to do is examine different points of view, highlight helpful resources and explore current events relevant to the early care and education field. We try to share objectively and keep ourselves out of them.

When the pandemic first began, however, I wrote a number of posts where I spoke to you personally and offered encouragement during a very challenging time. Kirsten and I have decided to be more personal again in some of the posts this week, and Kirsten may do so once in a while in the future.

Today we’d like to thank the Exchange community for how you help us lean into "the discomfort of vulnerability" as we create new and sometimes provocative posts each day. We are grateful for the respectful way everyone expresses many points of view. We all continue to learn from so many thoughtful comments.

On Friday of this week, we will follow up on some very thoughtful comments about a recent post concerning advocating for play. And tomorrow I plan to share a more personal post about a conversation with my professor son, exploring an interesting philosophy of teaching and learning.

Thank you all for letting us be more real from time to time. We invite you to read below about an opportunity to sit in on a heartfelt conversation between Kirsten and Exchange magazine editor-in-chief Sara Gilliam, and Carol Garboden Murray, author of Illuminating Care.

It should be full of the best kind of vulnerability as they invite you to join them in exploring the topic of professional love.

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