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Serving the Families Who Serve

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility.
Eleanor Roosevelt

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States, to recognize those who’ve served in the military. Many veterans are also parents, which brings both pride and stress to military families in unique ways. According to a “Voices of Veterans” video from the National Association of Social Workers, the added challenges military families take on include lengthy separations, disruptions due to frequent relocation, fear for deployed members, increased responsibilities and financial challenges, shifts in roles and responsibilities, and even mixed emotions during reunions.  

One military spouse in the video shared how her family managed the separations: “Every day they would journal about some good thing so when [their dad] came back from deployment, they would go over the journal together, so we were trying to sustain the connection…I just did the best I could and because we were really connected and communicated a lot, that also helped in the process.”

Sesame Street Workshop has released a number of video and activity resources for young children of veterans, noting, “There are playful things families can do to help them cope with and navigate the unique challenges of military life—together!” The resources are free to families and providers and available in English and Spanish. Activities address topics like “Where I’ve Been, Where I’m Going,” and “Wherever I am, We Can Still Be Friends.”

The videos, which feature “Muppets” as veterans and their families, are accompanied by simple suggestions, such as, “One way to care for yourself is to be flexible with routines and expectations. Sometimes, just choosing to do routine activities in easier ways can have a big impact.”

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