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Focus on the How, not the What

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
Desmond Tutu, 1931-2021

“Here I am again, reminding myself that it is more important to focus on HOW I am in the world, than WHAT I do. That means that the mindset I bring to my work, or any endeavor, is every bit as important as the actions I take. In fact, grounding myself in loving energy will also influence my actions. I am sure of it,” writes Nancy Rosenow in her wonderful new book, Encouragement Every Day. As you might guess from the title, the book was inspired by Rosenow’s years of writing “ExchangeEveryDay” messages to all of you, especially during the pandemic, when she felt that we all needed a bit more encouragement to face the many demands and challenges in our work and in our lives. Thus began her quest to offer 366 days of encouragement.

The quote above came from the passage for November 16. Having described her own practice when feelings of negativity or worry creep up, Rosenow concludes this day’s encouragement: “Almost always, after I spent time reminding myself about HOW I want to be, the WHAT to do in whatever I was working on seemed to be easier to figure out. I’ve never found any good to come from a continued focus on worry or frustration. Moving into a space that allows me to reconnect with my core being has consistently been helpful. That is how I am choosing to be today.”

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