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OMEP Reaches Out to Children Impacted by Tsunami

"Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best." - Henry Van Dyke

OMEP Reaches Out to Children Impacted by Tsunami

Carol Bellamy, UNICEF's executive director, has summed up the devastation brought on by the recent tsunami: "There are four basic measures that must be implemented to give this generation a fighting chance: keeping children alive, caring for separated children, protecting children from exploitation, and getting them back to school as quickly as possible." 

OMEP, the World Organization for Early Childhood Education founded in 1948, is taking steps toward meeting the needs of these children. OMEP will cooperate with UNICEF to address the needs of young children's educational programs. Together, they will design and implement a suitable project to meet the long-term needs of early childhood education communities in the countries affected by the tsunami. 

To support the project, OMEP will conduct a special appeal from February 1 to March 20, 2005. In the United States, direct donations from individuals or from fund-raising events (checks made out to OMEP-USNC) may be sent to Milly Cowles, OMEP-USNC Treasurer, P.O. Box 1436, Fairhope, Alabama 36533-1436, [email protected].

The funds will support activities selected by the OMEP World Executive Committee when it meets early in April. OMEP expects the funds will re-establish early childhood programs, purchase equipment and school supplies, and provide training of teachers and caregivers to support bereaved children. All OMEP funds will go directly into relief efforts.

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