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Education in the Election
November 19, 2012
You become. It takes a long time…Generally by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out, and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don’t matter at all, because once you are Real you can’t be ugly, except to people who don’t understand.
-The Velveteen Rabbit (Williams, 1958)
Public Education Network Weekly NewsBlast (November 9, 2012) reported these results impacting education in the election:
  • South Dakotans voted down a package of Gov. Dennis Daugaard (R) that would have ended teacher tenure and paid teachers in accordance with performance, giving each district's top-fifth of teachers a $5,000 bonus.
  • In Idaho, voters repealed the "Luna Laws" enacted by state schools chief Tom Luna which rerouted school funding to support increased technology in school; limit teachers' collective bargaining rights and introduce merit pay to the state's teachers.
  • In Georgia, voters approved the restoration of a state-wide commission that approved the creation of charter schools that the Georgia Supreme court had ruled as unconstitutional.
  • Washington voters passed an initiative allowing the creation of 40 charter school campuses over the next five years.
  • California voters approved Proposition 30 avoiding deep spending cuts to public schools and universities, and voted down Proposition 38, which would have increased the income tax rate on nearly all Californians for 12 years, generating about $10 billion per year.
  • Maryland voters upheld the 2011 state law known as the Dream Act, which sets a path for undocumented students to obtain in-state tuition rates.

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Comments (1)

Displaying 1 Comment
Nancy Johnson · November 19, 2012
Think Small
St. Paul, Minnesota, United States

Minnesotans voted down a voter suppression amendment. Citizens without "state issued" photo IDs, primarily college students, people of color, people living in poverty, and the elderly will continue to be able to vote on everything from who represents them on their local school boards to who represents them at the city, county and state levels where funding and policies for child care and education are made.

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