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Achieving your Dreams in your Current Work

by Gigi Schweikert
September/October 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/achieving-your-dreams-in-your-current-work/5024993/

Do Dreams Really
Come True?

If there has ever been a group of professionals who have read their fair share of fairy tales, it is those of us in early childhood education. Those fairy tales usually begin with “Once upon a time” and end with “ … and they all lived happily ever after.” Sometimes we forget that Cinderella mopped a whole lot of floors between the pages of that book. But I believe that dreams really do come true and achieving those dreams has nothing to do with a prince or any of the other contrived makings of those stories of yesteryear.

Can You Achieve Your
Dreams at Work?

Can you achieve your dreams through your work? I guess that depends on what your dreams are. If your dreams are to make a great deal of money, live in a really big house, drive expensive cars and wear couture clothes, early childhood may not be the profession for you. If your dreams are manifested more through laughter, love and interactions with children and their families, start dreaming big because early childhood education is a place where you can achieve your dreams.

My Dream

When I started as ...

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