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Courage and Creativity

by Kathy Ligon
July/August 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/courage-and-creativity/5025448/

Leaders are calling on their courage and creativity, and coupling that with the relationships they have built over many years, in order to reimagine themselves and their companies during this fast-changing crisis. Strong leaders realize that challenge creates opportunity and that this moment in time feels much like standing in sand—it changes quickly and necessitates the ability to shift and reinvent on a moment-by-moment basis. Leaders stay connected with other stakeholders, try creative approaches, communicate constantly and move quickly. Several commonalities are appearing in our amazing early education leaders.

Courageous Leaders:

  • Reinvent themselves and their companies in a time of change. Challenging and changing times create the opportunity to reimagine ourselves, the mission we set out to perform, and the people we intended to do it with. This is an opportune time to reflect on what we intended to create and contribute when we began our journey in the ECE world.
  • Demonstrate rapid, honest communication, even if the message is hard. Those who in the past invested in building solid relationships with their teams, customers and collaborative partners are able to call on that investment and begin from a place of trust and confidence. The unknown is scary and we all ...

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