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Dear ELI

March/April 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dear-eli/5024634/

Dear ELI,
I am the director at my site. We provide care for children ages six weeks through five years and we have a before and after school program. My goal is always high-quality care, but now more than ever there never seems to be enough time to do everything that needs to be done. It seems everything on my To-Do list is a high priority and there’s never enough time in my work days. Can you suggest some time-saving techniques?
- Puzzled about Prioritizing


Dear Puzzled,

I feel you! It’s whack-a-mole most days: bills to pay, parents to make happy, teachers to inspire and children’s neural networks to build into lifelong healthy habits with executive functioning skills. There is rarely a moment to celebrate the success of what we accomplish each day!

My suggestion is to use data. What are you spending your time doing? Do a job/time analysis, for example, utilizing the templates available at this link: https://www.smartsheet.com/job-analysis-templates. For the next month or so, log what you are spending your hours on. Once you have figured out the time and frequency needed to complete each required task, look to see if there is anything you can delegate or automate.

Technology ...

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