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Dear ELI

May/June 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dear-eli/5024746/

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Dear ELI,

As we continue to work to serve as many families and children as we can, our budget is often strained. Increased access without adequate resources for such key variables as adequate staffing and staff developmentqualifications, compensation, coaching and supervisionthreaten to undermine our program quality. Worrying about how to make ends meet is keeping me awake at night. What can we do to assure that cost considerations do not undermine quality as we attempt to reach more and more children?

Underfunded, Overcommitted and Sleepy


Dear Sleepy,

One suggestion would be to leverage funding by blending or braiding funding sources to support your work. You can braid funds by combing two or more funding sources to support a specific cost, but then track the costs to their source. Blending is when you use funds from two or more sources together to fund costs, but with blending you do not have to track the costs back to their original source. There are a lot ...

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