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Dear ELI

May/June 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/dear-eli/5025364/

Dear ELI,

Life as a director of an early childhood center has completely changed in recent weeks. I am scrambling to keep my staff together, support our families, and follow directives from our government and professional colleagues on weathering COVID-19. Please share your best ideas for flourishingokay, or just survivingduring this turbulent time. Thanks in advance,

Confused and Chaotic in the Time of Coronavirus


Dear Confused,

What we have endured over the past few weeks, and what we will continue to endure over the next few months, or year, will connect all of us for a lifetime. In this unprecedented time in our country, there is no playbook, and no one to call to ask for advice, except each other. We are leaders in the field of early childhood education and have been tasked with the daunting challenge of keeping our young learners safe, our staff safe, our families safe, and ourselves safe from this treacherous virus. I am sure if you are like me, you haven’t had much sleep as you’re trying to juggle everything that has come your way. Know you are not alone.  

Here at my small school outside Boston, the world seemed quiet and ...

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