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Examining Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Centering People with the Core Competencies of DAP

by The CARE Cirlce
September/October 2023
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/examining-developmentally-appropriate-practice-centering-people-with-the-core-competencies-of-dap/5027326/

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Nos unimos, reuniendo nuestro coraje y valentía, porque creemos que, colectivamente, podemos transformar nuestro campo y crear un futuro diferente para los niños, los educadores y las familias. ¡El momento ha llegado!

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It seems straightforward. It is what we do as early childhood educators: provide learning experiences that optimize children’s growth. So, what is not simple? Some aspects that present complexities include: 

  • The application of DAP
  • Understanding its nuances
  • Conversations around its use and meaning
  • Current political implications

If the basic concepts of DAP are simple, why are some people against it? Are they fearful of DAP? Are they afraid of the changes associated with it? Can they insist on doing things the way they have been doing them?

For the last several months, our community of practice, the CARE circle, has been grappling with the concepts of developmentally appropriate practice. We all have something to say about DAP and what it means to us, especially in today’s world. Just as each ...

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