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From a Parent's Perspective: Do Manners Matter?

by Roslyn Duffy
July/August 2003
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/from-a-parents-perspective-do-manners-matter/5015265/

- Situation -

"Give me more juice!"

"Whoops! What word have you forgotten?"

"Please, may I have more juice?"

"Is that all you brought me?"

"Jeremy, your grandmother brought you a new shirt. What do we say when we receive a gift?"

"Thank you, Grandma."

"Megan, your towel knocked over that little boy's sand castle. What do you need to do?"

"Excuse me. I didn't mean to do that."

- Solution -

Beyond Please and Thank You

"Please." "Thank you." "Excuse me."

Do manners matter? How and when do we teach manners? What manners should we teach?

Children do not mean to be rude, ungrateful, or thoughtless. Manners help to smooth their way. Children learn them and practice them in different ways as they age.

Social Grease

Manners provide social grease - they give a little lubrication to our interactions with others. Instead of "Give me that!" we say, "May I please have that." "Please" smoothes the request so that it slides between us and the other person with ease.

Social Recovery

Manners also give us a code of behavior when things go wrong. When we accidentally knock into each other as we stampede across the planet, manners help make our passage less destructive.

"Excuse me." "I beg your pardon." "I'm sorry." These are ...

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