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Harnessing the Power of Professional Development to Maximize Engagement

by Angie Doucette
July/August 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/harnessing-the-power-of-professional-development-to-maximize-engagement/5024860/

As teachers spill into the expansive conference room for a day of professional development, conversations glide past me that offer evidence of the struggles and victories happening in classrooms, during family meetings and throughout home visits. Each teacher arrives with a unique skill set, as well as individual areas in need of growth and nurturing. As I stand before this room filled with the expectant faces of professional teachers, I begin to question whether or not I am up to the challenging task before me. Have I crafted my message in a way that will spark new ideas, encourage introspection, and, fingers crossed, incite action? Or, will I lose their interest to the lure of the information smorgasbord offered by smart phones? While it is certainly true that there is no such thing as a sure thing, when it comes to successful professional development, staff members can improve their odds by learning a few tips and techniques that have proven successful in multiple settings for a variety of audiences.

Choosing a Topic

The first step in creating professional development is to narrow the topic. Rather than developing topics at a fixed point in time, a more seamless practice is to gather ideas ...

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