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How Idea Magnets Thrive During Crisis

by Mike Brown
July/August 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/how-idea-magnets-thrive-during-crisis/5025432/

I have spent years reflecting on the creative leaders I call Idea Magnets. They inspire creative ideas and encourage extreme creativity in those around them. They make life more exciting, fulfilling and successful via everything they touch. Idea Magnets make big things happen, providing their teams abundant opportunities to grow their imaginations. And when a crisis hits, they identify impactful ways to reinvent themselves and their organizations in creative, courageous ways.

How do they accomplish all that? 

Based on the seven strategies Idea Magnets routinely employ, here are ways you can incorporate their methods into your courageous leadership style and move your organization, team and yourself ahead in 2020.

Focus on the “New Important”

Ask and re-ask what matters right now, in a month, and two months. Continue doing this for the foreseeable future. Gone are the days (at least for right now) when you could set and depend on a stable foundation and world view for leading. When an external, largely unpredictable event impacts everyone on the planet, any illusions you hold about leading with complete control over your organization are shattered.

The result? Do not waste time pining for the new normal to arrive. It will not. ...

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