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Individualized Curriculum in Action

by Christle Seal
May/June 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/individualized-curriculum-in-action/5025336/

If there is one underlying lesson our ultra-personalized world drives home, it is that one size does not fit all. The products we use, the clothes we wear, the media we consume—it is all increasingly tailored to specific wants and needs. While out-of-the-box solutions no longer suffice for some of the more frivolous things in life, we—as teachers and advocates for young children—must also continue to push for the individualization of something as critical and foundational as early childhood education.

To be clear, unlike the personalization of consumer goods and services, individualized learning is not the brainchild of sales and marketing. It also is not an entirely new concept or just the flavor of the week.

An individualized approach to early childhood curriculum, whereby teachers design curriculum plans explicitly around the developmental skills and focus areas of the specific children in their classes, is rooted in research and can make a significant impact on children’s development. 

The Case for an Individualized Approach to Learning 

At its core, individualized curriculum centers around best supporting each child as they develop at their own pace. I like to say that nothing magical happens on birthdays besides cake and presents. Just because a child turns three, it ...

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