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Investing in Expertise: How Hiring Consultants Can Help Sustain Quality Management and Pedagogical Practices

by Fran Simon
July/August 2018
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/investing/5024234/

As an early childhood administrator, every day includes a variety of demanding duties. You are responsible for accounting, writing contracts, designing websites, hiring and managing staff, and so much more. Your educational background and previous experience may or may not have prepared you for these important responsibilities before becoming an early childhood program administrator. Many early childhood education organizations like Head Start and child care chains employ staff members with business backgrounds to handle many of these administrative functions at a high level, but they are not on the ground doing the day-to-day work. If you work for a smaller organization or run an independent program, you are likely managing everything single-handedly. Regardless of the size of your organization, you are likely to need advice or expertise from time to time. It may have never occurred to you just how many responsibilities would be outside of your comfort zone. This is where consultants come into the picture. Is it time for you to think about hiring outside experts?

Consultants Can Help With More Than Pedagogy

Chances are you are familiar with hiring professional development experts for staff training; it is less common for early childhood administrators to consider hiring outside ...

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