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Journeys in Leadership: This is Why We Write

by Nancy Rosenow
July/August 2020
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/journeys-in-leadership-this-is-why-we-write/5025454/

After the bleakest times in human history, such as the Holocaust, lessons are learned that help future generations become braver, wiser and more resilient. How do I know? Because Anne Frank kept a diary, Viktor Frankl penned “Man’s Search for Meaning,” and Edith Eva Eger documented her insights in “The Choice: Embrace the Possible.”

In other words, because we write.

Writing is a supreme act of love. Imperfect people take the risk to share their most private thoughts in hopes that someone else might benefit. It is why this journey I am on as publisher of Exchange is so meaningful. In conversations with Exchange founders Bonnie and Roger Neugebauer, and Editor-in-Chief Sara Gilliam, we marvel together at the resilient and generous spirit of Exchange authors who advise, provoke, entertain, enlighten and inspire.

I found the writing in this edition especially heartening. Many times as I was reading the courageous leadership articles, a particular passage brought me to tears. Our profession is being tested, but the writers reassure me we are ready. Other generations met their challenges. We will meet ours.

Ann Pelo and Margie Carter, with their book, “From Teaching to Thinking,” have used writing to offer an opportunity for reimagining early childhood education. Now ...

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