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Journeys in Leadership: Valuing Relationships, Practicing Courage

by Nancy Rosenow
January/February 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/journeys-in-leadership-valuing-relationships-practicing-courage/5024566/

Once in a while, seemingly unrelated events weave together, synergies become apparent, and something unexpected develops. That is what I experienced as I talked with Beth Fredericks, Michelle Zimmer and Heather Fox about their interesting journeys as early childhood leaders. After three delightful conversations, I suddenly realized that what at first seemed like unique stories were tied together by the common themes of relationships and courage. As each of these accomplished leaders talked about lessons learned over the course of their careers, I asked them what advice they have for leaders new to our field. I also wondered how they have kept themselves excited about their work over the long haul.

Beth Fredericks has had a diverse career in various parts of the world. She is the dean of LittleAcademy, a professional development platform powered by LittleLives, a company working with ECE professionals in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and China. Why did she choose to focus her work on professional development?

“Helping teachers reflect on their practice is crucial to providing high-quality programs,” she replied. “Taking good care of teachers helps them take good care of children. Professional development has to be ongoing because the world keeps changing. ...

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