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Reading Matters: Why Did That Happen? Sharing Children's Books about Science

by Jean Dugan
July/August 2018
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/reading-matters-why-did-that-happen-sharing-childrens-books-about-science/5024274/

Science encompasses so many wonderful things, and there are many fantastic new books for children that explain scientific principles in ways that even the youngest scientists can understand—so many, in fact, that it has been difficult to choose just a few titles to share. Your library is filled with good books, as well as activities and programs that promote children’s natural curiosity and offer hands-on opportunities to answer their questions about how the world works.


Science is experiments! LOOK I’m a Scientist features the very simplest of experiments, which allow children to use all five senses to discover results. It encourages kids to ask, “What will happen if I do this?” and “Why did that happen?” Young experimenters can learn about bubbles, wind, freezing water, magnifying glasses, and sound; the book contains recipes for homemade playdough and slime and even observations to make at the table while waiting for dinner to be served. This introduction to the scientific method comes in an appealing volume from DK Publishing, with kid-friendly directions, bright illustrations, and sturdy pages.

LOOK I’m a Scientist edited by Helene Hilton (DK Publishing, 2017) Ages 3 – 6.


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