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Secrets for Early Childhood Professionals

by Alice Sterling Honig, Ph.D.
March/April 1997
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/secrets-for-early-childhood-professionals/5011427/

Recent research findings that infant/toddler child care is of questionable quality in many centers in the United States challenges directors and care providers (Howes, Whitebook, and Phillips, 1992). These findings sound a clarion alarm. Infant mental health specialists have clearly documented the crucial importance of the first years of life for the future emotional well-being of children. So how do child care directors and staff respond to these worrisome findings?

Whether providers work in a center based facility or in family day care, they need to know first and foremost the fundamental secrets of quality infant/toddler care. The essence of quality care for infants and toddlers depends on the intimacy a caregiver develops in relationship with a baby. Professionals work toward understanding and generously meeting infant needs.

Each caregiver needs to be willing to develop an "I-THOU" relationship with a baby, rather than to treat the baby as a non-verbal object who is pleasant enough and can be easily given a bottle or a diaper change from time to time. Babies thrive on body loving, with lots of cuddling and lap time. But just holding is not enough. Every baby needs a tuned-in adult partner committed to genuine engagement with the ...

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