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Wonder: Where is the Beauty

by Tina Reeble on behalf of NACC
March/April 2019
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Article Link: http://exchangepress.com/article/wonder-where-is-the-beauty/5024692/

As I was curating the reflections for this edition of Wonder, I found myself contemplating the many ways that a connection to the natural world helps us tap into our own powers. Our power to heal, to express joy, to create and collaborate, can all be drawn from within as we become more and more attuned to the beauty in our world. How does that happen? I recalled a blog post I wrote seven years ago:

I have been traveling the last few months, leading educator workshops across the country. During one of my favorite activities, the whole group takes some time to connect to the natural world, wherever we are in that moment, and consider the beauty that we perceive. A common theme to the discussions that follow is the reminder that natural beauty surrounds us we just need to remember to look. So many of us get caught in the “autopilot” versions of our daily life and it isn’t until we are intentional in our thoughts and actions through this shared workshop experience that we break free and begin to see anew. I often wonder how long it will last. 

In her book “The Sense of Wonder,” ...

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